Disaster Risk Recovery Fund: “Look Out For Each Other” / Business After 5

Wed, 15th May 2024

05:30pm to 07:30pm

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Date(s) - 15/05/2024
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Liverpool Catholic Club

Empower Your Business to Navigate Natural Disasters and join us for Business after 5.

Is your business prepared to tackle the unexpected? Join our Disaster Recovery Workshop and gain the knowledge and skills to effectively manage and reduce disaster risks.

Learn how to identify potential disaster events, highlight risks, formulate emergency plans and implement operations to prevent, manage, and reduce residual disaster risks. This comprehensive Workshop will equip you with the tools to protect your business from the unforeseen.

Free dinner included.


SES Liverpool – The team from Liverpool State Emergency Service including Inspector Gunnar Hardy will be our guest speaker for the evening.

Inspector Gunnar Hardy is an emergency manager with more than a decade of experience in emergency services across the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. Don’t let his American accent fool you, Gunnar is proudly as true blue as they come!

He currently serves as the Unit Commander for the NSW SES Liverpool Unit, where he enjoys giving back to the community that has given him so much. Gunnar resides right here in Liverpool with his wife Alyssa who also volunteers with the NSW SES and very much enjoys his time engaging with the community.

Add to your calendar:


5:30pm – Arrival time

7:30pm – Workshop ends


Sponsorship information:

*Opportunity to promote your business while supporting Local Business
*15 min. Presentation to guests
*Bring along your Pull up Banners
*Promote your Marketing Flyers
*Acknowledgement by MC
*Promote any special offers

If you would like to sponsor the event, and have an opportunity to present, please reach out to us directly at info@liverpoolchamber.org.au
Sponsorship of events start at $1,500.00.

Liverpool Catholic Club

424 - 458 Hoxton Park Rd, Prestons, NSW, 2170